This will be a boring post with no pictures! I put my jammies on without taking a picture of today's outfit! That's okay though, I wasn't really feeling it anyways!
I didnt really do anything to exciting this weekend that caused me to dress up! I did make a trip to the Goodwill though, I haven't been there in probably 6 or 7 years and from what I remember it wasnt great. I took a chance and well I did really well. I got a Mossimo blazer, 2 Merona button downs, some other button down and 4 belts all for $20. I was a pretty good trip! If I wore a 5 1/2 shoe I could of scored tons of cute new shoes from Target all marked to $3 but of course that is not my size!
So, I picked out my outfits for this week last night and I have to say I am not too impressed with how I did! I came home tonight and put a new one together for tomorrow, I promise to take a picture of it before I take it off!
I am starting to find myself staring at all the clothes in my closet and having no clue what to do with them! I also wish I had more skirts, which is so funny because I have never been a skirt person but after reading fashion blog after fashion blog I realize I am really missing out! I have the one I wore last week and then just 2 more and I honestly don't like them that much! I do have a cute all black sleeveless dress I scored at H&M for $10 a couple of weeks ago, I need to find some way to wear that to work, I can't just wear it sleeveless in Feb!
Anyways, I am feeling like I need a professional stylist to come in my house and tell me how to make outfits out of what I have and what pieces I am missing that I need to add to my wardrobe. Sometimes I just feel like I have no clue what I am doing!!!